Tahun ini Pensi diadakan pada hari Rabu dan Kamis tepatnya pada tanggal 21 dan 22 Januari 2009”,sebagai Koordinator Pensi 2009 Bapak Dedy Ridanyah, S.Pd.Pensi tahun ini di adakan di dekat Lab Musik karena lokasi pensi sebelumnya sudah dibuat taman sekolah dan lokasi kali ini sangat luas.
Pensi bertujuan mendidik siswa untuk dapat bekerjasama dalam tim dan melatih siswa bertanggung jawab.Sebanyak 13 kelas mengikuti perlombaan diacara ini diantaranya mendekorasi ruang kelas, band, tari, dan modeL.Sesuai tema kelas, dekorasi-dekorasi kelas ini pun keren-keren. Seperti perkampungan, pasar, laboratorium, pameran foto, olahraga, diskotik, dan pameran bunga-bunga yang indah. Guru-guru yang mengunjungi setiap kelas juga menikmati suasana kelas yang didekorasi sesuai temanya. Ada yang melempar bola basket kekeranjang, makan pisang dipondok, bermain pingpong, dan bermain musik disalah satu kelas yang menampilkan alat-alat musik tradisional. Hampir semua setiap guru dikelas itu memainkan alat-alat musik yang disediakan. Ada yang memukul-mukul gong, bambu, angklung, rebana, dan ada juga guru yang memukul gendang seperti gedang barongsai.
Kegiatan pensi tahun ini adalah tarian. Tarian yang dipersembahkan beberapa kelas ini menggunakan “musik hidup”. Yang jelas alat musik tradisional yang menjadikan tarian itu lebih berkesan. Ada yang dimainkan oleh siswa kelasnya sendiri, dan ada juga yang dibantu oleh beberapa pemain sanggar asli.
Jumat, 27 Maret 2009
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 19.17 0 komentar
Minggu, 22 Maret 2009
Sistem Ekskresi Pada Manusia | |||||
![]() (Gambar) |
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 21.42 0 komentar
Jumat, 20 Maret 2009
A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again
There's nothing here for me on this barren road
There's no one here while the city sleeps
and all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again
Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
when hope begins to fade...
A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around
when I'm much too far away
We all need the person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 19.58 0 komentar
waktu bergulir lambat
merantai langkah perjalanan kita
berjuta cerita terukir dalam
menjadi sebuah dilema
mengertikah engkau
perasaanku tak terhapuskan
malam menangis
tetes embun membasahi mata hatiku
mencoba bertahan di atas puing-puing
cinta yang tlah rapuh
apa yang ku genggam
tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan
aku terlanjur cinta kepadamu
dan tlah kuberikan seluruh hatiku
tapi mengapa baru kini kau pertanyakan cintaku
aku pun tak mengerti yang terjadi
apa salah dan kurang ku padamu
kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan
karna sekali cinta, aku tetap cinta
mencoba bertahan di atas puing-puing
cinta yang tlah rapuh
apa yang ku genggam
tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan
repeat reff
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 19.52 0 komentar
Aku terpaksa menangis
aku terpaksa merintih
cahayaku semakin redup
kau masih bisa ku lihat..
suaramu masih ku dengar..
namun kenyataan ini, mengharukan...
seseorang disana telah memilikimu
aku kan berdosa bila merindukanmu
oh mantan kekasihku...
jangan kau lupakan aku...
bila suatu saat nanti kau merindukanku...,
datang...(cepat) datang padaku
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 19.49 0 komentar
seminggu setelah kau pergi
teman silih berganti menghiburku
berkata semua teratasi
kan terus sembunyi di balik senyum palsu
ku dengar dirimu tak sendiri lagi
betapa hancurnya
hati dan jiwaku
na na na na naaa
setahun setelah kau pergi
ku masih sembunyi di balik senyum palsu
ku dengar dirimu tak sendiri lagi
betapa hancurnya
hati dan jiwaku
betapa hancurnya
na na na na naaa
tolong bantu aku melewati semua
betapa hancurnya
hati dan jiwaku
betapa hancurnya
na na na na naaa
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 19.45 0 komentar
"Bunga Citra Lestari"
Sedikit waktu yang kau miliki
Luangkanlah untukku
Harap secepatnya datangi aku
S'kali ini ku mohon padamu
Ada yang ingin ku sampaikan
Hampa kesal dan amarah
S'luruhnya ada dibenakku
Tandai seketika
Hati yang tak terbalas
Oleh cintamu...
Kuingin marah, melampiaskan tapi kuhanyalah sendiri disini
Ingin kutunjukkan pada siapa saja yang ada
Bahwa hatiku kecewa...
Sedetik menunggumu disini, s'perti seharian
Berkali kulihat jam ditangan
Demi membunuh waktu
Tak kulihat tanda kehadiranmu
Yang semakin meyakiniku
Kau tak datang
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 19.32 0 komentar
Sejak engkau mendua
Entah apa yang kurasakan
Memandang perih
Menyimpan luka
Sampai pada saat ini
Aku memulihkan rasa di hatiku
Baru aku bisa
Bisa bicara
Demi aku yang pernah ada di hatimu
Pergi saja dengan kekasihmu yang baru
Dan aku yang terluka oleh hatimu
Mencoba mengobati perihku sendiri
Aku yakin bisa
Aku bisa tanpamu
kembali ke**,reff
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 19.28 0 komentar
Maaf, ku telah menyakitimu
Ku telah kecewakanmu
Bahkan ku sia - siakan hidupku,
dan kubawa kau s'perti diriku
Walau hati ini t'rus menangis
Menahan kesakitan ini
Tapi ku lakukan semua demi cinta
Akhirnya juga harus ku relakan kehilangan cinta sejatiku
Segalanya t'lah ku berikan
Juga semua kekuranganku
Jika memang ini yang terbaik
Untuk diriku dan dirinya
Kan ku t'rima semua demi cinta
Reff :
Jujur, aku tak kuasa, saat terakhir ku genggam tanganmu
Namun yang pasti terjadi, kita mungkin tak bersama lagi
Bila nanti esok hari
Ku temukan dirimu bahagia
Ijinkan aku titipkan kisah cinta kita selamanya
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 19.26 0 komentar
Kau hadir dengan sejuta keindahan
Kau tarik ku dengan pesonamu
Membawa diriku kealam cinta
Bicaramu membuat tubuh ini bergetar
Matamu pancarkan kesetiaan
Membuat diriku semakin cinta
Reff :
Kasih peganglah tanganku
Dan tatap mataku
Betapa aku mencintaimu
Katakanlah saat ini sayang
Bahwa aku hanya milikmu... milikmu...
Kuingin cinta kita berdua
Abadi sampai saat ini
Sampai nanti sampai kita mati
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 19.16 0 komentar
Fairy Tales - The Elf of the Rose
by Hans Christian Andersen
In the midst of a garden grew a rose-tree, in full blossom, and in the prettiest of all the roses lived an elf. He was such a little wee thing, that no human eye could see him. Behind each leaf of the rose he had a sleeping chamber. He was as well formed and as beautiful as a little child could be, and had wings that reached from his shoulders to his feet. Oh, what sweet fragrance there was in his chambers! and how clean and beautiful were the walls! for they were the blushing leaves of the rose.
During the whole day he enjoyed himself in the warm sunshine, flew from flower to flower, and danced on the wings of the flying butterflies. Then he took it into his head to measure how many steps he would have to go through the roads and cross-roads that are on the leaf of a linden-tree. What we call the veins on a leaf, he took for roads; ay, and very long roads they were for him; for before he had half finished his task, the sun went down: he had commenced his work too late. It became very cold, the dew fell, and the wind blew; so he thought the best thing he could do would be to return home. He hurried himself as much as he could; but he found the roses all closed up, and he could not get in; not a single rose stood open. The poor little elf was very much frightened. He had never before been out at night, but had always slumbered secretly behind the warm rose-leaves. Oh, this would certainly be his death. At the other end of the garden, he knew there was an arbor, overgrown with beautiful honey-suckles. The blossoms looked like large painted horns; and he thought to himself, he would go and sleep in one of these till the morning. He flew thither; but “hush!” two people were in the arbor,—a handsome young man and a beautiful lady. They sat side by side, and wished that they might never be obliged to part. They loved each other much more than the best child can love its father and mother.
“But we must part,” said the young man; “your brother does not like our engagement, and therefore he sends me so far away on business, over mountains and seas. Farewell, my sweet bride; for so you are to me.”
And then they kissed each other, and the girl wept, and gave him a rose; but before she did so, she pressed a kiss upon it so fervently that the flower opened. Then the little elf flew in, and leaned his head on the delicate, fragrant walls. Here he could plainly hear them say, “Farewell, farewell;” and he felt that the rose had been placed on the young man’s breast. Oh, how his heart did beat! The little elf could not go to sleep, it thumped so loudly. The young man took it out as he walked through the dark wood alone, and kissed the flower so often and so violently, that the little elf was almost crushed. He could feel through the leaf how hot the lips of the young man were, and the rose had opened, as if from the heat of the noonday sun.
There came another man, who looked gloomy and wicked. He was the wicked brother of the beautiful maiden. He drew out a sharp knife, and while the other was kissing the rose, the wicked man stabbed him to death; then he cut off his head, and buried it with the body in the soft earth under the linden-tree.
“Now he is gone, and will soon be forgotten,” thought the wicked brother; “he will never come back again. He was going on a long journey over mountains and seas; it is easy for a man to lose his life in such a journey. My sister will suppose he is dead; for he cannot come back, and she will not dare to question me about him.”
Then he scattered the dry leaves over the light earth with his foot, and went home through the darkness; but he went not alone, as he thought,—the little elf accompanied him. He sat in a dry rolled-up linden-leaf, which had fallen from the tree on to the wicked man’s head, as he was digging the grave. The hat was on the head now, which made it very dark, and the little elf shuddered with fright and indignation at the wicked deed.
It was the dawn of morning before the wicked man reached home; he took off his hat, and went into his sister’s room. There lay the beautiful, blooming girl, dreaming of him whom she loved so, and who was now, she supposed, travelling far away over mountain and sea. Her wicked brother stopped over her, and laughed hideously, as fiends only can laugh. The dry leaf fell out of his hair upon the counterpane; but he did not notice it, and went to get a little sleep during the early morning hours. But the elf slipped out of the withered leaf, placed himself by the ear of the sleeping girl, and told her, as in a dream, of the horrid murder; described the place where her brother had slain her lover, and buried his body; and told her of the linden-tree, in full blossom, that stood close by.
“That you may not think this is only a dream that I have told you,” he said, “you will find on your bed a withered leaf.”
Then she awoke, and found it there. Oh, what bitter tears she shed! and she could not open her heart to any one for relief.
The window stood open the whole day, and the little elf could easily have reached the roses, or any of the flowers; but he could not find it in his heart to leave one so afflicted. In the window stood a bush bearing monthly roses. He seated himself in one of the flowers, and gazed on the poor girl. Her brother often came into the room, and would be quite cheerful, in spite of his base conduct; so she dare not say a word to him of her heart’s grief.
As soon as night came on, she slipped out of the house, and went into the wood, to the spot where the linden-tree stood; and after removing the leaves from the earth, she turned it up, and there found him who had been murdered. Oh, how she wept and prayed that she also might die! Gladly would she have taken the body home with her; but that was impossible; so she took up the poor head with the closed eyes, kissed the cold lips, and shook the mould out of the beautiful hair.
“I will keep this,” said she; and as soon as she had covered the body again with the earth and leaves, she took the head and a little sprig of jasmine that bloomed in the wood, near the spot where he was buried, and carried them home with her. As soon as she was in her room, she took the largest flower-pot she could find, and in this she placed the head of the dead man, covered it up with earth, and planted the twig of jasmine in it.
“Farewell, farewell,” whispered the little elf. He could not any longer endure to witness all this agony of grief, he therefore flew away to his own rose in the garden. But the rose was faded; only a few dry leaves still clung to the green hedge behind it.
“Alas! how soon all that is good and beautiful passes away,” sighed the elf.
After a while he found another rose, which became his home, for among its delicate fragrant leaves he could dwell in safety. Every morning he flew to the window of the poor girl, and always found her weeping by the flower pot. The bitter tears fell upon the jasmine twig, and each day, as she became paler and paler, the sprig appeared to grow greener and fresher. One shoot after another sprouted forth, and little white buds blossomed, which the poor girl fondly kissed. But her wicked brother scolded her, and asked her if she was going mad. He could not imagine why she was weeping over that flower-pot, and it annoyed him. He did not know whose closed eyes were there, nor what red lips were fading beneath the earth. And one day she sat and leaned her head against the flower-pot, and the little elf of the rose found her asleep. Then he seated himself by her ear, talked to her of that evening in the arbor, of the sweet perfume of the rose, and the loves of the elves. Sweetly she dreamed, and while she dreamt, her life passed away calmly and gently, and her spirit was with him whom she loved, in heaven. And the jasmine opened its large white bells, and spread forth its sweet fragrance; it had no other way of showing its grief for the dead. But the wicked brother considered the beautiful blooming plant as his own property, left to him by his sister, and he placed it in his sleeping room, close by his bed, for it was very lovely in appearance, and the fragrance sweet and delightful. The little elf of the rose followed it, and flew from flower to flower, telling each little spirit that dwelt in them the story of the murdered young man, whose head now formed part of the earth beneath them, and of the wicked brother and the poor sister. “We know it,” said each little spirit in the flowers, “we know it, for have we not sprung from the eyes and lips of the murdered one. We know it, we know it,” and the flowers nodded with their heads in a peculiar manner. The elf of the rose could not understand how they could rest so quietly in the matter, so he flew to the bees, who were gathering honey, and told them of the wicked brother. And the bees told it to their queen, who commanded that the next morning they should go and kill the murderer. But during the night, the first after the sister’s death, while the brother was sleeping in his bed, close to where he had placed the fragrant jasmine, every flower cup opened, and invisibly the little spirits stole out, armed with poisonous spears. They placed themselves by the ear of the sleeper, told him dreadful dreams and then flew across his lips, and pricked his tongue with their poisoned spears. “Now have we revenged the dead,” said they, and flew back into the white bells of the jasmine flowers. When the morning came, and as soon as the window was opened, the rose elf, with the queen bee, and the whole swarm of bees, rushed in to kill him. But he was already dead. People were standing round the bed, and saying that the scent of the jasmine had killed him. Then the elf of the rose understood the revenge of the flowers, and explained it to the queen bee, and she, with the whole swarm, buzzed about the flower-pot. The bees could not be driven away. Then a man took it up to remove it, and one of the bees stung him in the hand, so that he let the flower-pot fall, and it was broken to pieces. Then every one saw the whitened skull, and they knew the dead man in the bed was a murderer. And the queen bee hummed in the air, and sang of the revenge of the flowers, and of the elf of the rose and said that behind the smallest leaf dwells One, who can discover evil deeds, and punish them also.
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 06.11 0 komentar
Dongeng "SI PELIT"
Seorang yang sangat pelit mengubur emasnya secara diam-diam di tempat yang dirahasiakannya di tamannya. Setiap hari dia pergi ke tempat dimana dia mengubur emasnya, menggalinya dan menghitungnya kembali satu-persatu untuk memastikan bahwa tidak ada emasnya yang hilang. Dia sangat sering melakukan hal itu sehingga seorang pencuri yang mengawasinya, dapat menebak apa yang disembunyikan oleh si Pelit itu dan suatu malam, dengan diam-diam pencuri itu menggali harta karun tersebut dan membawanya pergi.
Ketika si Pelit menyadari kehilangan hartanya, dia menjadi sangat sedih dan putus asa. Dia mengerang-erang sambil menarik-narik rambutnya.
Satu orang pengembara kebetulan lewat di tempat itu mendengarnya menangis dan bertanya apa saja yang terjadi.
"Emasku! oh.. emasku!" kata si Pelit, "seseorang telah merampok saya!"
"Emasmu! di dalam lubang itu? Mengapa kamu menyimpannya disana? Mengapa emas tersebut tidak kamu simpan di dalam rumah dimana kamu dapat dengan mudah mengambilnya saat kamu ingin membeli sesuatu?"
"Membeli sesuatu?" teriak si Pelit dengan marah. "Saya tidak akan membeli sesuatu dengan emas itu. Saya bahkan tidak pernah berpikir untuk berbelanja sesuatu dengan emas itu." teriaknya lagi dengan marah.
Pengembara itu kemudian mengambil sebuah batu besar dan melemparkannya ke dalam lubang harta karun yang telah kosong itu.
"Kalau begitu," katanya lagi, "tutup dan kuburkan batu itu, nilainya sama dengan hartamu yang telah hilang!"
Harta yang kita miliki sama nilainya dengan kegunaan harta tersebut.
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 06.04 0 komentar
13 mAkanaN yg bIsA bikin gEmUk
- Es krim. Meski kenikmatannya sangat mengundang, es krim merupakan sajian yang amat tinggi kandungan lemak, gula dan kalori. Jadi, pertimbangkan kembali untuk menikmatinya jika Anda sedang berdiet.
- Keripik kentang. Camilan yang gurih ini merupakan salah satu makanan yang paling berpeluang bikin gemuk karena kandungan garamnya sangat tinggi. Belum lagi kandungan lemak dan gulanya, sehingga total kalorinya tinggi. Di samping itu, keripik kentang banyak mengandung bahan pengawet, perasa dan pemanis buatan yang jelas-jelas dapat merugikan kesehatan.
- Daging olahan. Kendati amat praktis, hot dog, sosis dan daging olahan sejenisnya, mengandung lemak tak baik. Kadarnya yang begitu tinggi, sama banyak dengan kadar garam yang dikandungnya.
- Jajanan gorengan. Makanan jenis ini kurang baik bagi kesehatan karena umumnya digoreng dengan minyak yang tidak diganti setiap kali menggoreng. Kandungan lemaknya juga sangat tinggi dan kurang terjamin kebersihannya jika dijajakan di pinggir jalan.
- Makanan cepat saji. Di antaranya hamburger, nachos dan kentang goreng. Kandungan lemaknya sangat tinggi, begitu pula kandungan kalorinya. Sementara kandungan nutrisi yang menyehatkan, nyaris tidak ada.
- Minuman bersoda. Meski mendatangkan kesegaran sesaat, minuman ini sama sekali tidak memiliki nilai-nilai nutrisi. Kecuali, kaya akan kandungan gula, sodium, dan kalori.
- Sereal manis. Sereal dengan kandungan karbohidrat yang tinggi, semakin menjadi ancaman bila bertemu dengan rasa manis dari gula. Makanan jenis ini akan meningkatkan gula darah dan menyebabkan tubuh menimbun lemak.
- Susu whole milk. Meskipun kandungan kalsiumnya baik bagi tubuh, susu jenis ini memiliki kandungan lemak yang sangat tinggi yang akan menambah timbunan lemak tubuh. Jadi, kalau ingin mengambil manfaat kalsiumnya, ganti saja dengan mengonsumsi susu yang bebas lemak atau minimal yang yang sudah dikurangi kandungan lemaknya.
- Kuah daging. Kandungan lemak dan karbihidrat maupun kalorinya sama-asma tinggi.
- Roti. Terutama yang terbuat dari tepung yang sudah mengalami proses penghalusan, sehingga tinggi kandungan lemak dan karbohidratnya. Kalau mau aman, coba mengonsumsi roti gandum, sehingga dapat menfaat dari seratnya.
- Aneka Krim. Whipped cream yang sering dipakai sebagai penghias pada jus stroberi dan dressing salad, semuanya mengandung lemak tinggi, dan akan menjadi kalori tinggi jika tercampur dengan makanan sehat Anda. Sebaiknya, jika Anda sedang mengonsumsi makanan sehat, tidak usah dibumbui dengan aneka krim atau topping.
- Mayones. Memiliki sekian banyak ikatan lemak di dalamnya. Jadi, sebaiknya pakai sedikit saja jika Anda menginginkan.
- Kopi Instan. Tahukah Anda bahwa secangkir kopi instan mengandung lebih dari 39 lemak? Nah, kalau tidak mau tubuh Anda jadi timbunan lemak, hitung secara cermat berapa jumlah kalori dari kopi instan yang masuk ke dalam tubuh.
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 05.59 0 komentar
Jumat, 13 Maret 2009
TaNdA c0w0k sAyAng mA cEwEK
1. Dia bersungguh-sungguh melakukan sesuatu untuk kekasihnya dengan rela bukan karena terpaksa.
2. Dia sentiasa ingin menghiburkan kekasihnya dan berubah menjadi orang yang pandai berbicara.
3. Dia banyak menasehati kekasihnya kerana dia amat menyayangi kekasihnya.
4. Dia berusaha mengekang kebebasan kekasihnya karena perasaan cemburunya yang meluap-luap.
5. Dia sentiasa takut kehilangan kekasihnya.
6. Dia sentiasa mengawasi gerak-gerik kekasihnya karena dia sentiasa merasa curiga.
7. Dia tidak suka ada lelaki lain dekat dengan kekasihnya.
8. Dia mudah merasa cemburu dan sensitif apabila kekasihnya tidak menumpahkan sepenuh perhatian kepadanya.
9. Adakalanya dia seperti seorang anak kecil yang meminta perhatian kerana dia mau kekasihnya melayaninya lebih dari orang lain.
10. Dia menjadi orang yang paling rajin dan sanggup membantu kekasihnya melakukan apa saja.
11. Dia pandai mengambil hati karena ingin dipuji oleh kekasihnya.
12. Dia akan bingung apabila kekasihnya berjauhan daripadanya terlalu lama.
13. Dia sentiasa memastikan keselamatan kekasihnya.
14. Dia mementingkan kekasihnya daripada dirinya sendiri.
15. Dia sering bertanya apakah kekasihnya mencintainya karena dia merasa cintanya lebih kuat daripada kekasihnya.
16. Dia tidak akan melayani perempuan lain yang tidak ada urusan penting dengannya.
17. Dia cuba meluangkan lebih banyak waktu dengan kekasihnya walaupun terpaksa menunggu kekasihnya dengan sabar.
18. Dia membanggakan kekasihnya di depan orang lain.
19. Kalau ditinggalkan oleh kekasihnya, ia akan merasa skeptis dan tidak percaya dengan cinta perempuan lain namun dia sentiasa mengharapkan kekasihnya kembali kepadanya.
20. Apabila muncul orang ketiga, dia akan hilang akal dan sanggup berbuat apa saja untuk merebut kembali kekasihnya.
21. Dia menganggap kekasihnya sebagai orang yang paling dipercayainya dan sanggup menyerahkan harta dan nyawanya sendiri.
22. Dia tidak akan berlaku curang kepada kekasihnya namun jika dia berbuat demikian itu bererti hatinya belum 100% mencintai kekasihnya.
23. Tidak semua lelaki sanggup meneteskan airmata hanya untuk seorang perempuan.
Diposting oleh ch0ch0_bErRy di 19.45 0 komentar
10 TiPs mEnGhAdApI PaTaH hAtI
1. Simpan kenangan2 indahmu
Simpan semua benda yang pernah dia kasih atau punya memori indah waktu masih berdua! Dikarungin, trus taruh di tempat yang selama ini paling “haram” kita jamah. Biar hati kita nggak tergerak buat liat-liat tuh barang-barang lagi! Kalo perlu, dihibahin ke orang aja.
2. Jangan teringat masa lalu
Buat sementara waktu jangan dulu deh pergi ke tempat-tempat pacaran favorit kita berdua waktu masih akur dulu. Lha, kalo barang-barang udah dijauhin, tapi kita tetap main-main ke tempat ini, jadi bernostalgila lagi dong?
3.Lakuin hal-hal yang selama ini dia larang kita lakuin
Misalnya, kalo selama ini kita terpaksa selalu motong pendek rambut karena dia nggak suka cowok gondrong, sekarang panjangin aja. Mau tuh rambut kutuan kek, ketombean kek, sebodo amat!
4.Lakuin hal-hal seru yang paling bisa bikin kita girang
Chatting, main PS, atau main bola sama anak-anak kampung? Terserah! Yang penting ekita happy.
5. Tambah frekuensi nongkrong bareng temen-temen!
biasanya temen tuh lebih tulus daripada pacar. Dan biasanya lagi, temen juga lebih banyak nyenenginnya daripada nyusahinnya. Makanya di saat-saat kritis kayak gini asiknya makin deket sama temen-temen.
6. Jangan menyendiri!
Ngapain sih berkurung di kamar atau pergi sorangan ke gunung dan pantai? Udah kayak anak ilang aja! Hari gini ngilangin patah hati kok pake cara remaja tahun 70-an! Sekarang udah 2004 gitu lho. Pergi dong ke mal, ke cafe, tempat bilyar, atau warung gaul.
7. Jangan curhat sama temen
Emang bener katanya nyeritain unek-unek ke sobat tuh bisa ngurangin beban. Tapi coba deh kita bayangin, kalo kita curhat abis-abisan dengan seluruh perasaan, bukannya malah bisa kebawa emosi ya? Jadi makin susah lupa deh sama dia. So, kalo mulut tetap gatel pengen curhat, seadanya aja ya.
8. Bikin sibuk diri
Man, bayangan mantan tuh paling sering nongol kalo kita lagi bengong. Makanya biar nggak bengong ekita mesti banyak bergerak. Ngebengkel bisa. Lari-lari keliling kompleks sambil ngecengin tetangga boleh. Atau kalo mau yang pake pahala, jadi asisten pribadi nyokap aja. He…he…he….
9. Nulis! Basi ya?
Tapi efeknya lumayan dahsyat lho! Waktu kita nulis cerita, puisi, atau nulis lirik lagu, biasanya perasaan nggak enak yang ngeganjel ikutan keluar tuh. Lha, kalo nggak bisa ngarang, bikin puisi, dan bikin lagu? Ya asal nulis aja, nulis apa lah! (Deeu…maksa sih!)
sering-sering jalan ke sarang cewek-cewek! He…he…he…. Dandan dengan style paling oke menurut kita, trus pasang sikap cool (es batu kali, ah!). Yah, siapa tau aja ada yang nyantol. Kalo nggak, lumayan
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